- Shifting the composition of startups can boost macroeconomic performance
- Cash in the time of corona
- Trade: The benefits of foreign banks
- Moral suasion and bond buying in the Eurozone Crisis
- Global banking: Structural change vs fragmentation
- When arm’s length is too far
- The impact of sovereign debt exposure on bank lending
- Foreign banks and the global financial crisis
- Foreign banks: New data on trends and effects
- The changing role of emerging market banks
- Running for the exit: International banks and crisis transmission
- A wake-up call for bank lending standards
- Shifting the composition of startups can boost macroeconomic performance
- The consumption response to borrowing constraints in the mortgage market
- Covid-19 Briefing: Pandemics, natural disasters and bank’s balance sheets
- Covid-19 Briefing: Corporate balance sheets
- All you need is cash
- ‘Running for the exit’: How cross-border lending bank lending fell .
- Repo market functioning: The role of capital regulation.
- Trade: The benefits of foreign banks
- The consumption response to borrowing constraints in the mortgage market
- When arm’s length is too far
- Shocks abroad, pain at home?